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Sleep disorders and how to sleep better

If you have been unable to sleep for a while and wake up tired, you most likely suffer from a sleep disorder such as insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea or narcolepsy.

Sleep disorders are not particularly serious and can be effectively treated, and to sleep better, you can adopt some good daily habits that will help reduce symptoms. Let's see together what are the best practices to adopt to sleep better and if there are effective remedies that can eliminate the problem completely.

The main sleep disorders

Before talking about the habits or remedies to be adopted to sleep better, it is advisable to know what the main sleep disorders are in order to provide your pharmacist or trusted doctor with all the information to identify the right cure. The main sleep disorders are:

  • insomnia;
  • snoring;
  • sleep apnea;
  • narcolepsy;
  • nocturnal epilepsy.

The most frequent sleep disorders among Italians are insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea, while the other pathologies involve only a small part of the population.

If not treated properly, all three sleep disorders can cause fatigue, anxiety, irritability, stress and if not treated can worsen and compromise the performance of normal daily activities.

Tips for better sleep

To sleep better, especially if you suffer from insomnia or snoring, it is advisable to follow some useful tips such as furnishing the bedroom according to the principles of feng shui. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese discipline that has the specific function of releasing positive energy, so to sleep better it is advisable to furnish the room with neutral colors and eliminate edges by favoring clear or rounded lines.

To sleep better and feel rested, it is advisable to avoid eating too heavy and fatty foods at dinner and to favor foods that contain zinc, tryptophan, magnesium and vitamin B1 or B6 which contribute to the production of serotonin and melatonin (milk, white meat, fruit dried, fish and cereals).

If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders it is always advisable to avoid coffee, carbonated drinks or reduce the consumption of cigarettes, but drink relaxing herbal teas based on chamomile or lime before going to sleep.

It is a good idea to induce sleep to avoid distractions such as smartphones, televisions and eliminate all sources of light to promote drowsiness. Remedies to cure sleep disorders

If the remedies described above do not help you sleep better, it is advisable to resort to other treatments, so we recommend that you contact your pharmacist to find the right solution to your problem.

If your insomnia does not last too long and does not manifest itself every night, it is not necessary to resort to specific drugs or treatments that are too invasive but to try some herbal remedies that promote sleep and relaxation.

In particular, your pharmacist may advise you to take food supplements based on melatonin, selenium and zinc to be taken before going to sleep. Alternatively, it is possible to take herbal teas based on passionflower, lime, valerian, etc. to food supplements. Linden, passionflower or valerian plants can also be taken in tablets or drops, depending on your needs.

One of the most accredited and known remedies to combat insomnia or snoring is the intake of Bach flowers, white chestnut or hornbeam. To combat snoring, you can ask your pharmacist to recommend some medical devices such as anti-snoring patches or nasal dilators.