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Advice against venous insufficiency of the lower limbs

If you suffer from venous insufficiency in the lower limbs it is important that you keep in mind some precautions in order to prevent the situation from worsening and to find relief soon.
Venous insufficiency can be the result of a number of factors, some pathological, and others of a physiological nature such as excessive effort.
Venous insufficiency is a circulation disorder due to a difficult return of venous blood to the heart.
If you suffer from venous insufficiency you usually complain of swollen and heavy legs and difficulty in walking as well as noticing imperfections in the legs that are certainly not pleasant.

Here are some tips on what to do and not to do if you want to fight and prevent venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.

Practical advice: what to do

If you want to avoid heavy and swollen legs you absolutely have to move, sedentary life certainly does not help, so start practicing a healthy regular sporting activity in order to stimulate blood circulation, swimming, running but also simple sports walking are excellent.
It is also important that you pay attention to your weight, returning to your ideal weight allows you not to put too much weight on your legs.
You do not have to sit too long or in the same position because otherwise the blood cannot circulate as it should.
If you already suffer from venous insufficiency it is absolutely necessary that you help them with supports such as elastic stockings.
As for food, you should eat healthy foods that can promote circulation and reduce the presence of fat in the blood.

Practical advice: what not to do

If you are a person with venous insufficiency in the inferred limbs, you must absolutely avoid using shoes with a too high or excessively low heel, also the sedentary life is an enemy, every now and then even if you do an office job you have to move.
Appropriate is clothing that is not too tight and does not compromise the veins.
Also, don't smoke or drink alcohol, a harmful combination.
Do not eat greasy or high-calorie food, fats promote the formation of fat in the veins and restrict blood circulation.

Remedies present in nature against venous insufficiency

In addition to the remedies indicated by the doctor, in nature there are several remedies that can be referred to if your venous insufficiency is not critical, for example a good solution are compresses for example based on chamomile directly on the area.
Ice can also be a good remedy to create a small thermal shock.
It is advisable to hydrate a lot, you have to drink a lot in order to allow the fluids to circulate, especially choose non-carbonated, non-alcoholic drinks, preferably herbal teas or still water.
Finally, a good massage is ideal to lighten the legs and allows the muscles to relax.